Do you have peripheral neuropathy? Do your feet feel like a block of wood or feel like there are pins and needles in them? We offer Anodyne Therapy which is a non-invasive treatment that helps return the normal sensation of your foot, improve blood flow, and improve your balance.
How anodyne therapy works:
Anodyne therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses infrared light that is placed directly on the affected area. The infrared light produces a heating effect that causing blood vessels to dilate. The temporary dilatation of blood vessels allows blood flow to the tissues and muscles to increase. By having this increase of blood flow, it increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients that is deliverer to the tissues and muscles. The increase of oxygen and nutrients provided to the tissue can decrease pain and inflammation.
Anodyne therapy can help to:
- Improve circulation
- Reduce pain
- Reduce stiffness
- Decrease muscle spams
- Improve sensation
- Improve balance
What conditions would benefit from anodyne therapy
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Poor circulation
- Peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
- Inflammation and swelling of soft tissue
- Various foot conditions
- Balance deficits
- Other vascular conditions
Best clinical results are obtained from a minimum of 12 treatments over a 4-6 week period. Infrared treatment duration is 30 minutes and is combined with a therapeutic exercise program designed specifically for the patient, which may include strengthening, balance training, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance.
At Pacific Physical Therapy your quality and function of life are our number one priority. For more information about our physical therapy services please contact us.