Working through the Office of Workers’ Compensation (OWCP) and with Washingtong State Labor & Industries (LNI) can be very difficult. It is important to have well trained therapists who understand the physical demands of a job and how to appropriately rehab to allow you to return to work pain free and without limitations.
At Pacific Physical Therapy, we are patient advocates, ensuring that we secure all the therapy that our patients need in order to return to work successfully and without fear of re-injury. We advocate for you with your doctors, case managers, and vocational rehabilitation counselors throughout the course of your case.
We understand that being out of work can be a financial hardship for many, and that having a comprehensive rehabilitation plan that includes work specific rehab activities will allow us to successfully reintegrate you back into the workforce as quickly as is appropriate.
At Pacific Physical Therapy your quality and function of life are our number one priority. For more information about our physical therapy services please contact us.